Worldwide road traffic crashes kill nearly 1.2 million people every year and injure or disable as many as 50 million more (World Health Organization 2013). It is SENSYS GATSO’s mission to substantially contribute to reducing these dramatic figures.

We deliver traffic enforcement solutions around the world, from design and manufacture, to installation and operation. We’re experts in technology but our passion is road safety: it’s what we do. This drives us to find the best possible solution for each customer, tailoring our technologies and services to match their unique circumstances, with convincing measurable results and the most cost efficient on the long run, whether that’s a single camera or a fully outsourced enforcement solution.

Road safety is more than just business to us: it’s in our blood.



Road traffic crashes often result in serious injury and death. This in turn has a huge social impact in terms of pain, suffering and (financial) loss. Much of this is preventable. At SENSYS GATSO, we are dedicated to the same vision that drove us more than 55 years ago: making traffic safer.

With the ambition to reach a sustainable reduction of the number of traffic accidents and victims. SENSYS GATSO is the most reliable and personally a committed long-term partner in realizing efficient, effective and measurable traffic enforcement solutions. We set the standard for reliability during the whole process: from helping to develop enforceable laws and regulations to creating public awareness and acceptance by demonstrating quantified results.

We do so through effective road safety advice and industry-leading solutions. An effective road safety strategy must address the 3 Es: Engineering, Education and Enforcement.

Although our main focus is on enforcement, we can play a role in the whole process of traffic management for you. We work with partners to provide the right solution to your entire problem, not just limited to enforcement.

Huge progress in road safety has been made over the past two decades with infrastructure and vehicle engineering innovations. The increased use of roundabouts, rumble strips, better signage, reflective markings, porous asphalt and speed humps have effectively improved road conditions. Penetration and use of ABS, seat belts, air bags and child seats in vehicles have paid off in a considerable reduction of fatalities, injuries and crashes. Traffic-engineering continues to contribute further progress in road safety.

Education includes traffic and driver education which ideally should start early in life and never end. Education also includes ongoing research into the causes of traffic accidents and crashes, which leads to future improvements and innovations in road safety. Public information, publicity campaigns and road safety-oriented media programs are also part of Education. Education can vary in type and intensity for certain target groups, but the overall goal is to target human behavior on the road and promote a community-wide safety-oriented mentality.

The Enforcement element of the 3Es is SENSYS GATSO’s core competency and something we are passionate about. Traffic enforcement is usually associated with speed, red-light running, seat belts, helmets, alcohol and mobile phone use. Sanctions may include fines, driving license penalty points, suspension or revocation, educational measures and increased insurance premiums.
SENSYS GATSO, as the inventor of the speed and red-light camera, is the expert in traffic enforcement with systems operating in more than 60 countries on 6 continents.

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